Direct help and support

  • Intervention for women ages 14 and older who are or have been a victim of sexual violence and their loved one.
  • Support in various procedures as legal, medical, family, etc.
  • Support for intervenors and community workers
  • Toll-free number allowing anonymity (1-800-563-0443)
  • Documentation center in line with our mission (feminism, sexual violence, etc.)

* Our various forms of interventions are used help the victims of sexual assault to understand what happened to them, to externalized what they experienced, to free themself from guilt and to regain power over their lives to ultimately rebuild themselves as a human being.

** We welcome victims with an approach of openness and acceptance. Our interventions are oriented toward an intersectional feminism. More than anything, we believe in the victims.

*** We support the LGBTQIA2S+ community and people from visible minorities ; we are aware that only one person can experience various forms of violence at the same time.